The wind blows through the wind turbines on the Ngong Hills in Kenya!
After having successfully completed the first phase of the wind farm systems on the Ngong Hills in Kenya which contains 6 wind turbines of 850W, KenGen, the Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited, continues to trust in our work by offering us a second contract for the expansion of this wind farm.
We started this new mission in March 2013. It includes the design, supply, installation and commissioning of a grid connected wind farm system consisting of 8 Vesta machines of 850 kW each with a hub height of 49 m. The total capacity of the farm on the Ngong Hills, including the first phase, is 11,95 MW.
We acted as main contractor for this project as we were responsible for the design, the logistics and the technical works until commissioning of the wind farm on the Ngong Hills. It assumes the overall project management of all subcontractors during the project period.
The work has been done in 19 months and the Provisional Acceptance has been issued in October 2014. This wind farm will feed the existing national grid via a 66 kV line.

In charge of the good wastewater quality for HEINEKEN
TPF-Utilities sarl entered in France in the agribusiness sector thanks to a contract for the operation of wastewater treatment system of HEINEKEN in Mons-en-Baroeul (Lille). Our employees have to maintain in full guarantee the anaerobic wastewater treatment system coupled to a biogas production.
The contract conceals a true partnership between the two companies. This benefit was previously provided by staff of HEINEKEN; the contract specifications result of a common technical pathway and steps have been taken to a proper implementation of it.

GSK Rixensart with a new power plant
After 4 years of engineering, procurement and building management by TPF-Utilities, the provisional acceptance of the new power plant of Rixensart in Belgium for GlaxoSmithKline was pronounced this last quarter of 2014.
The new building includes a power plant (4 500m²), a shop with spare parts and engineering offices for about 110 employees.
The new power plant enables the production of 8 MW of chilled water (needed for pharmaceutical processes and cooling of buildings) and 20t/h of steam raising.This site should facilitate the future development of the site of Rixensart.
TPF-Engineering, with its complementary expertise, was also involved in this project for the civils works and HVAC systems.

TPF-Utilities provides environmentally-friendly services
Already working successfully for several years with its quality (ISO 9001) and safety (OHSAS 18001) counterparts, TPF Utilities has decided to set up an environmental management system and to go for an ISO 14001 certification, an international standard.
Once obtained, it will reassure TPF Utilities’ clients that we have provided evidence to an independent certifying body our goal to pursue a programme of continuous improvement in providing environmentally-friendly services. Also, it highlights that we invest in the resources necessary to ensure a more sustainable future.
This ISO 14001 project will start in the first quarter of 2015, with certification to be scheduled in 2016.

Maintenance of the public swimming pools in Bruges
TPF-Utilities has been awarded the maintenance contract of the public swimming pools “Interbad” and “Jan Guilini”, both located in Bruges.
Interbad is a recreational accommodation with, among others, a 25 m swimming pool and a water slide. The Jan Guilini swimming pool is a 25 m pool situated in a protected historic building.
More than 300.000 pool guests per year will enjoy the hygiene and comfort of both pools, thanks to the expertise of our technicians and experts.
The Province of Flemish Brabant has also trusted the maintenance contract of the public swimming pools of the Provincial Domain of Huizingen to TPF-Utilities. The contract includes the maintenance and warranty of the technical installations of the outdoor recreational swimming pools for a period of 10 years.
Both projects further confirm our position as a key player in this particular market sector and ensure our growth in Flanders.